About me...

My name is Kelly and I started Urban Fox Beauty towards the end of 2016 after having trained locally to Chichester.
The reason I started up Urban Fox Beauty is because I have a young son and my previous job had me working all sorts of crazy hours and weekends (not ideal!) For me, being a mummy and seeing my family and friends is my highest priority, so I had to find something that worked around having a young child. I have always been a very creative person and working for myself had always been appealing. I took the plunge after speaking to my boyfriend about it, and to him agreeing I could set up our front room as my beauty room (thank you Dan!) I am loving every second of it!
Being able to empower women to feel more comfortable in their own skin or just to give them a glam boost is so incredibly rewarding! I get to meet so many wonderful ladies and it all fits in around having a young family.
I am so lucky to be able to have a job I adore, along with being able to do all the things I want to as a mummy!
Thank you so much for your support, it really does mean the world to me! xx